Ideal Feet
Reviews and Complaints
Saved me
I cruched my foot in a motorcycle accident in 2007. I was left with 23 screws and 3 plates in my right foot.
After a couple of years, I developed a significant limp and threw my back out of alignment. I never have had back troubles. I gave ideal feet a try, and it has made a significant difference. I hardly have a limp now, and have had no back troubles since getting the inserts.
Yes it was a little expensive, but very much worth it. If you have a flexible spending account with your work, you can use that for your purchase.
Ideal Feet
I paid over $300 for inserts. I was assured that these products would cure my heel pain.
I wore the product as instructed for 8 days and became crippled. I viisted a podiatrist and got an x-ray and found that I had a metatarsal fracture caused by Ideal Feet products. The company would not refund my $ for the inserts. Stay away from this place!
I continued to receive letters from the company attorney giving pat and asinine answers to my complaint. I refused to return to that place for an "adjustment." What kind of an *** would return to a place that caused an infirmity?
Ideal Feet-not ideal at all: causes more pain
I went in there several months ago and went through the "process" or just a quick footprint as they tell you. I knew I needed something for my knee and hip pain.
In the store they felt great and I followed everything they told me to do. Now all I am experiencing is pain in my ankle and foot and I have tried several times going in and getting an adjustment and the pain is only getting worse. Now the employees don't even know what to do about it. Since I have been wearing them things have slowly gotten worse and all I keep getting is that it is a process and my body needs to make adjustments.
The process has been at least 5 months now and trying to reach someone in their corporate office is a joke. I do not want a refund, I want answers.
There is nothing quick about the footprint and they will not stop trying to "sell you" even after you tell them no....even when you go back in pain because of their product.
Ideal Feet - Great Solution
I had seen a podiatrist who fitted me with custom made orthodics. Huge waste of money.
Didn't really make a difference. Then i heard the ad for Ideal Feet and gave them a try. That was 5 years ago and I've never regretted it. They are expensive and a little uncomfortable at first, but my feet don't hurt when I wake up in the morning and with them in, I can be on my feet all day if I need to.
I just wanted to provide some balance to the other reviews. If you haven't been helped by less expensive options, give them a try.
I think you'll be pleased. (But, they are not cheap!)
Biggest rip off. Wasted over 300 dollars.
inserts made my feet hurt alot more. Then they said no refunds.
*** I wasted over 300 dollars. I'm a horse groom & I don't have money to waste. Buy dr. Scholls inserts they work and only 50 bucks.
This happen to me last fall. I live in lexington ky. The store is on richmond road. I have plantar facistis.
I would not recommend this company at no time.
The guy was super nice when I was buying their product but was very rude and had an attitude when I tryed to return their product. Again please don't waste your money and time.
Bought new tennis shoes, would not let me reurn.
Went in the IDEAL FOOT STORE to try on inlays for shoes. I went through the demo and they did not tell me the price of over $500.00 until the end.
The new shoes they bring out are not included in that price, they are around 140.00. They did not have my size shoe and talked me into size bigger.I bought the shoes but not the inlays.was told I could return the shoes if they did not work out. They were too big .They will not refund my money now.
No returns on anything you buy there. Very hateful and a rip off----NEVER BUY THERE
Ideal feet watch out
I would want others to watch out for me. This company has annihilated full time employees in at least three different locations/ states.
I'm not sure of the circumstances in the other states BUT within my own state we were compling within the company's guidelines. And yet we were let go - i am not speaking on behalf of anyone i have worked with in the store level.
I was offered the promotion of management with praise of my sales & then the week following a fellow from a texas store who used the fact that he spoke broken english only when important questions arised was to his advantage. Everything is on tape
Beware of Ideal Feet
About a week after this post I contacted the Better Business Bureau and filed a complaint. Within 24 hours I received an offer for full refund from Ideal Feet.
I accepted and they sent me a check a couple of weeks later. It took some persistence, but they finally did the right thing.
I heard their radio commercial and decided to stop in to the Austin store. Specifically told the guy that I used orthotics for running but they wore out every couple of years and wanted to learn more about their product.
He took me through the whole dog and pony show and I fell for it. I asked several times if these would work for high mileage runners and was told "yes" they would. Paid over $400 for the product. I followed the directions exactly over the first 14 days.
After almost 3 weeks the product still did not work as advertised. It was so hard and uncomfortable to run on. I went back to the store and asked for a refund but was stonewalled with the "no return" policy. They offered other versions of the same product, but after 3 weeks it was obvious that the product was not going to work for me as they advertised.
They gave me the name of their customer service manager and said "good luck". He offered a store credit, but that was worthless unless I wanted to buy a bunch of socks or off-brand shoes. I explained that the product simply did not work as they advertised. No hard feelings, I just want my money back because it did not work for me.
They had their line well-rehearsed which tells me I was not the first unsatisfied customer. Only after the whole experience did I look up reviews on the web and I see lots of other unhappy customers of Ideal Feet. Man, I wish I had checked before these guys screwed me out of $430. Buyer beware!!
Their products are extremely expensive and they have no mercy once you walk out the door. Do not buy if you have any doubts!
Ideal Feet
After 10 days of suffering in Ideal Feet orthotics, I visited a podiatrist. He fitted me in a $30 pair of orthotics that gave me relief from my plantar fasciitis.
I feel that I wasted over $400 on useless pieces of plastic. Even after 2 fittings my feet were in severe pain.
Please save yourself much wasted time, money and pain. Do not buy this product.
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IDEAL FEET INSERTS- worthless product, can't return, walk-fit is much better product
Do not use "Ideal Feet". They do not have a refund policy. You pay about $400 for $5 worth of plastic. I had tried every shoe insert I could find at shoe stores, walmart, academy, thermoformable inserts from my podiatrist, you name it. Endured heel pain and planter fascitis for about 5 years. Tried Ideal_Feet inserts after hearing about them on a radio advertisement. I was desperate for relief. Paid around $400 for the set of stuff they give you. Tried the ideal feet for about 2 months, at first I thought they might be helping, but eventually the pain was worse when using the ideal-feet product.
I gave up on finding anything that helped much. About 2 years later (3 months ago) a co-worker recommended walk-fit. His wife had purchased them for him from bed, bath & beyond or some store chain like that. I bought mine on ebay for $18 including shipping. Felt huge relief within days and now I hardly ever think about the pain in my heel, because it is almost non-existent. I promise you, I have nothing to gain by saying this. I wish someone had told me about walk-fit sooner.
The walk-fit insert comes with 3 different levels of interchangeable arch supports. (Ideal-feet only has one). I would recommend starting out with the smaller one for a couple weeks and then move up a size. I now use the largest arch support, but it takes awhile to condition your feet to be ready to move up to it. Start out wearing the inserts for about an hour the first day, 2 hours the next and gradually work into all day. Your arches will be sore until your feet get conditioned to them.
The insert takes much of the weight off your heel and transfers it to your arch. It also stretches out the arch, which is the most important part of the remedy. I saw some reviews about walk-fit.com regarding their shipping service that wasn't too good. So I would not purchase directly from walk-fit.com but rather through a seller on ebay. There are several. I chose one with good ratings by ebay. Good luck.... it's worth $18 to give $5 worth of plastic a try... not $400.
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So why are you posting on a site called "pissed consumer"? To counter the negative posts as a positive, happy customer?
Or are you a "plant" - an employee or corporate insider?
The marketing strategy of this outfit is misleading and borders on fraud. The customer satisfaction is hit-and-miss and their return policy is outright theft.